A Term Used in South Park To Refer A Douchebag Harley Rider That Is Loud,obnoxious And A Stupid Asshole and they ruin everything to turn heads making noises to attract attentions
Hey Assholes You Know that everyone thinks you are total faggot
some gay fuck who thinks they are special
“Did you see Chris over there”
“Yeah, have you heard? He’s a faggot”
A faggot in the 20th century is a slur for gay people it's a word meaning bundle of sticks wich is why it's a slur people use it saying gay people are just firewood wich they should be honestly faggots go burn I don't like you
Person1 hey Joe kissed a man
Joe no I didn't
Person 2 what a faggot
A word that is used generically to insult someone and is NOT a gay slur; a pathetic loser of the lowest caliber.
Guy: Oh look, a bunch of annoying, awkward faggots... Hoo-ray.
Girl: You shouldn't say 'faggot,' it's offensive to gay people.
Guy: Who said anything about gay people? I didn't. Are you implying gay people are faggots, or that gay people would think it's word appropriation and be offended by calling someone who's NOT gay a faggot? That's awfully bigotted of you; I don't want to talk to you anymore or ever again.
A person who posts pictures of themselves and their significant other on Valentine’s Day.
This faggot should kill themself.