When you are urinating in an empty washroom, and another man decides to use the urinal directly next to you instead of choosing literally any other urinal to pee in. After which, scoping your penis with a quick glance.
"Dude I swear to god you could of chosen any other urinal, but instead you check mate me..."
Bieber: Aye bro, I was bussin Selena's checks so bad last night that I gave her a creampie.
Basically having sex
Bussin checks means to be riding her pus*y really good
When, before participating in a threesome, you have to discard a few people so it doesn't turn into an orgy. You have a quick look at them and select the fittest.
- So, did you fuck all of them?
- Nah, I serve ball checked them quick and tossed the ones who were still unnaked
Meaning that something is indeed correct
“Ok Fairs, yea that checks out”