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A twat is someone who is annoying and just not liked and can go fuck the self’s bc there just big twat

Rosy Alex is a right twat and that ginger cunt can go fuck her self

by Kidboigay111 November 23, 2020


The Female version of a twit

Man that chick is sooo annoying, she is such a F***ing twat or Twit if you prefere

by FreedomMrtn March 1, 2009


A word Americans can't pronounce

Wrong: 'Americans are twots
right: Americans are twats

by Cachu February 24, 2021


A TWaT, a person that only works Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursdays in work. They refuse to work any more days due to covid but are prepared to convene on pubs, clubs and restaurants at the weekends

Look at Russell the TWaT, he says he working from home but he's doing fuck all work on a Monday and Friday

by boyobop November 23, 2021


A derogatory word used to describe an old lady.

An old twat, as opposed to a young pussy, or a middle aged cunt.

by Damian the red September 29, 2011




In walked a few twats complaining about PE requirements again.

by golden surek April 12, 2022


a slutty or worthless female.

"did u see that twat Jessie walking down the street whoring her body for men"
she need to get a job instead of sitting around on her twat ass.

by newunit300 January 23, 2018