Source Code

Ben Vermillion

Ben vermillion is the COOLEST GUY IN THE WORLD! He owns the grass is a weed inc. He believes what is right and GRASS IS A WEES! AND HE IS IN MILK GANG!

Ben Vermillion is a human that is nice shy and thinks that grass is a weed.

by Bendableep September 18, 2020

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Ben Rivera

Yajirobe who goes out with Princess Hair-loopies.

He's such a Ben Rivera

by JesusMcJesus May 17, 2011

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Ben Kinney

A lacrosse player that lives in mountainside and is a person

Whasup is bruno

Ben Kinney

by 170987032981023740173204708 July 7, 2009

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Ben Low

The gayest peice of shit known to man kind. Tries to roast people but fails.

Man 1-Hey Ben Low want to dye my hair while I give you a blow job?
Ben Low- sure I would love that!

by 666_____18adilf hitler May 22, 2017

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Fortunate Ben

A Fortunate Ben is a person that's in a group of 3 or more, and , they're the only one with a diferent letter at the start of their name.

Me:"So basically, your group's made of :
You, AKA Liza, Leon, Larry, Luna and a Fortunate Ben?"
Girl3:" My name is Melodie, not Ben! Nor Fortunate Ben!"
Me:"Calm down. Im just saying, you're lucky to be the only one with a name that doesn't start with the letter 'L' ."

by Marco- August 29, 2020

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ben weinstock

A guy who got rejected 4 times in the span of 2 years. Twice by Ella Brown, once by Payton Davidson, once by Emma Kania.

Also, he can’t get a single kill or win in Fortnite. He looks like a homeless John Cena.

Her: how many wins do you have in Fortnite?

Him: A big fat juicy 0, I’m Ben Weinstock.

Him: Will you go out with me?

Her: Sorry no, your a Ben Weinstock

by Theneighbortothrleft August 1, 2018

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Ben Hardy

Biggie cheese. Big Chungus. Ben Hardy is all those things combined. He looks like a 4 year old, but is actually a 4 year old.

Damnnnn Big Chungus is dummy thicc tho..

Big Chungus? Don’t you mean Ben Hardy?

by BenChungus November 20, 2019

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