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sugar covered waffles

the smuttiest people on earth. if you see one of their stories- you better read it- it will be filled with smut on smut...

“did you see sugar covered waffles new wattpad story!?”
Yeahhh! it’s so smutty!”

by toast.whore January 29, 2021

Sugar free-dom fighter

a person who takes part in a resistance movement against the oppressive establishment that is Sugary Soft Drinks, with particular relation to full sugar Redbull.

Me ordering a drink at a bar: can I please get a sugar free Red Bull
Bartender: oh right on man, good to see another sugar free-dom fighter around
Me: *raises fist in air as a sign of solidarity.

by Sugafreedaddy69 December 11, 2022

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Sugar pookie

Like a sugar mummy or sugar daddy but they're your pookie

Friend 1: “Will you buy me food?”
Friend 2: “sure”
Friend 1: “thanks sugar pookie

by Seedling3246q May 22, 2024

Sugar dusted donut dipper

A derogatory term for a gay person.

Also a dessert at Applebees

Is he ya know… sugar dusted?
Oh yea, he’s a total sugar dusted donut dipper

by brookesmom913 July 10, 2023

Sugar tunnel

Another name for vagina.

A sketchy chick at a bar once asked me if I wanted to go back to her place and see her sugar tunnel. I declined.

by Ivan_H April 27, 2021

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State of anger

Nemo stays sugared bro

by sarahstotle April 20, 2021

sugar fig

When a girl puts something sweet, like chocolate or caramel sauce, on your dick before giving you a blow job.

"Dude, Jessica gave me such a great sugar fig last night"

by DickJockey99 February 1, 2014