an anime is a show or other say it "cartoon". It has a lot of whatever genres you like.
Weeb:"Hey what type of anime do you watch?"
Haters:"Isnt a cartoon for lilltle kids?"
Weeb: nani?
anime is cool and if ur looking for a cool one to watch u can watch boku no pico or maybe jojos bizzare adventure theyre kinda the same they are really cool and if u like them allot allot u can watch this thing called hentai and yea
anime cool
Japanese cartoons that will be the sole cause of world war 3
"what are you watching?"
"is anyone on this planet decent?"
it was a mistake
"Anime was a mistake." - Hayao Miyazaki
2👍 4👎
the cartoons that made people shit themselves and waste money on sexy body pillow legs mmmmmmmm legs an dja fuck oh I'm cumming
bro did u see that sexy ass titan
fuck yeah bro it's my favorite anime waifu