Today is abuse Matthew Vanotti day, it is on the 12/11 and it’s the day to just beat the shit out of him. Although I love you and you are my boyfriend this will be interesting 😘
Oooh it’s the 12th of November ITS ABUSE MATTHEW DAY
December 1st tell a friend thank you :)
Hey friend thank you for being there
National friend appreciation day means saying thank you to the one that was there for you
On October 22nd and 24th its hug your friends day! A day where you appreciate your friends. No one is a simp for hugging their mates on this day!!!!
Its Hug Your Friends Day
Ali: can i have a hug? Its Hug Your Friends Day!
Tim: Sure!!!
Dnf day is June 15th, thanks to the popular song Heatwaves that was accepted by the DNF community as “thier song”
Late nights in the middle of June
DNF = Dreamnotfound
“Hey did you know it was dnf day?”
“Yea actually someone play heatwaves”
“No one cares.”
National Beating your Son Day is August 15. This day is the day you tell little Brodigan to go get you a beer and break his Xbox for getting that terrible Modelo beer and not a real man’s beer
“I’m so excited for National Beating your Son Day!” -FishyLegend (Freak King)
Men or women get your gain on cause it’s botta be pisyy day!!!
Man:may I get some good Coochie please?
Women:yes you may
Man:thank you on this very beautiful pussy day
23 October - the day when you can touch women pussy with no consequences
Bro tomorrow is the pussy day
Get ready to touch that wap