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hollaback girl

A female, usually a teenager or young adult, who, when insulted, will reply verbally. This is typically achieved by insulting the original insulter (otherwise known as 'hollering back', shortened in this case to 'hollaback').

This term was popularized by Gwen Stefani, a female vocalist who once performed lead vocals for a rather good band, No Doubt. Gwen has since gone solo, which people either love or hate, depending on how much they suckle upon the mainstream teet.

In her song "Hollaback Girl", Gwen proclaims, when challenged by another girl (even though Gwen can hardly be described as a girl) through insults, that she "Ain't no hollaback girl". This is because Gwen is not a girl, but a woman, isn't going to stand for this, and is going to settle it physically.

(Note: The song, from this point, degrades into the usual Gwen Stefani lyrics: pointless, annoying, and unbearably catchy).

Provided with links to other definitions one might need to understand the situation:

Me: "Miss, excuse me, may I bother you for a moment of your time?"
Idiotic Stefani Follower: "Tru 'dat, wat you be frontin' dawg?"
Me: "I find your lack of gramatical skills, disrespect for the English language, and horrible taste in music appalling."
Idiot, again: "Awwwww hell naw! I kno' you diddin' jus' diss my ass like 'dat. I'm 'boutta cotton candy 'dat ass, I ain't naw hollaback girl."
Me: ":("

by Ryan "Sephylight" Walker June 4, 2005

1648๐Ÿ‘ 842๐Ÿ‘Ž

woo girl

Female equivalent of a "bro". Usually in a sorority. Identifiable by exclaiming "Wooooo!" in any environment where alcohol is consumed.

Bro1: "Hey bro, check out that chick at the bar."
Bro2: "Oh dude, she's a woo girl. Buy her a shot!"

by ex7927 July 31, 2009

50๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

gossip girl

Book about rich kids (Serena, Blair, Nate, Chuck, etc...) in Upper East Side and middle class kids (Dan, Vanessa, Jenny, etc...) in Upper West Side. They attend prep schools and love to knock back the alcohol with the guys loving their pot. Sex is greatly involved and so is shopping.

Books 1-5 are great.
Book 6 is okay.
Book 7 is bad.
Book 8 and 9 are okay

Girl 1 "Gossip Girl is such a good book."
Girl 2 "Yeah, but only 1-5 are really awesome."

by Goody Goody Gumdrops August 5, 2006

411๐Ÿ‘ 198๐Ÿ‘Ž

cinnamon girl

1) Another pathetic Neil Young song.
2) A half black, half asian/indian girl.

1) Neil young has a funny voice.
2) Damn that cinnamon girl is hot!

by The Worst Dominatrix In LA September 6, 2006

921๐Ÿ‘ 466๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scarf Girl

A yuppie female who wears a designer (or any kind) of scarf on a 60*+ day simply because it's "in style". Usually paired with a NORTHFACE jacket vest over a sweater and jeans tucked into said persons UGGs.

A scarf girl is any female with above said atire

"Jesus those scarf girls wont sit the fuck down, I can't see a damn thing that is going on on the field!"

by OB and Popo December 8, 2008

26๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

masturbation for girls

the way a girl can stimulate your body

so ive taught myself something over the year and a half ive been masturbating. a good way to do this is fill a water bottle up all the way, put the lid on then poke a hole in the top. strip down and place the water bottles top or you vigina. move the water bottle up and down and the water will stimulate you.

another good trick ive learned is taking an old teddy bear that has a hard nose, and push that up against your vigina. one more good thing is taking the shower head (must be one you can take off the wall) turn the water on, and move up and down.
all of these tricks should send AMAZING vibes to your body

so good luck with these tricks for masturbation for girls.

by beachgirl June 17, 2009

480๐Ÿ‘ 233๐Ÿ‘Ž

ol girl

A woman that you are sexually acquainted with. It can be a girlfriend, fuck buddy, or just a girl you fool around with. The term is usually expessed when someone doesn't want to disclose the name of the girl they are with.

"Yo dude, what are you doin' today?"
"Man, I'm just chillin with ol girl"

by John Wink October 24, 2007

148๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž