A deliberate act designed to scare, annoy, harm, or kill someone, that is executed in a way that appears to be an accident and thus the person who committed the act ideally gets away with it.
An example: Johnny really hates his wife. She's the worst thing that ever happened to him. He wishes she could die. But he doesn't want to go through the divorce process. So Johnny waits for his wife to be at the top of the stairs, and when she is, he lifts her up and tosses her headfirst down the stairs. She passes away. Emergency services show up and she is pronounced dead. No one ever suspects Johnny murdered her, and even if they do, it's impossible to prove it. Johnny gets away with it and marries his mistress.
Because of these "faked accidents", murder rates are higher than officially counted. Countless people get away with murder and other crimes and they walk among us, completely unsuspected. Drew Peterson, a cop from Illinois, is a great example. He got away with drowning his wife in a bathtub until her body was reexamined 5 years later.
The Shaolin 42 fake out (Commonly called the Nerve strike attack) is a pressure point tackling move that will paralyze the victim and send them to a 20 year knock-out blocking their chi. Its non lethal however once used on the victim they will permanently be able to wishtand it twice. In addidtion to that defect, the victim's endurance could potentionally become greater or significantly weaker.
The only known documentary of the Shaolin 42 fake-out ever being used was by Master Oogway preventing Tai Lung from getting the dragon scroll. After performing the moves necessary Tai Lung immediately dropped to the ground knocked out cold, seemingly dead. Tai Lung was then sent to Chorh-Gom prison who later learned the move and after escaping the prison used it on the Furious Five.
Disclaimer: Most of this information isn't canon and mostly a joke around my family.
In order to learn the Shaolin 42 fake-out you must become a Shaolin, 45th chamber of the 34d dynasty.
Wait... is this a real definition or a fake definition???
When the person you're communicating with pretends they are going to sleep to get off the phone with you so they can hangout with someone they like more.
I got fake-slept on by Nicole last night. She said she could barely keep her eyes and then ans hour later Jeff saw her at the bar with Ricky.
To be born female, transition to male and becoming a femboy.
Matias: Wow, this femboy is so sexy! I wonder how does he hides his D
Jessica: Oh no, he doesn't have a penis.
Matias: So it's a girl?
Jessica: No, he did a Fake Feint
A phrase commonly used as to when one has the desire to show off how much cash they have, but in reality you only have $2 lazy ass *sobs*
"Man, I am gonna make it rain tonig- no, wait, I'm faking it rain cuz I'm broke af"
The act of shoving an egg in one’s ass and then shitting it into one’s partners mouth
“I was disappointed when the egg cracked in my ass when me and Julia were Fake Chickening”