The Mexican Chille is when you smear your dick in hot souse and stick in your girlfriends ass then eat her out of the ass
I gave my girlfriend the Mexican chille
Julia and Chill means you invite someone over to watch Julia Child's "The French Chef" together for three continuous days or more. It normally requires bringing a bowl of butter over for the butter rubbing session performed by rubbing an obscene amount of butter on the other person and massaging all over them whenever Julia uses her butter. One's also expected to bring along bottles of wine/cognac as well as an eviscerated turkey in order to play a popular drinking game called "la dinde de ménagère". La dinde de ménagère means that you drink the wine when Julia says the word "sautée", "bouillon" or "pâté" meanwhile rubbing your genital against the turkey 'til theres liquid fill in the turkey. This game goes on until the turkey is full and the two proceed to either copulate with the turkey or defecate in it but ONLY after the body fluid is cleared out and gently cooked following Julia's famous recipe "sauce de la bouguerille":
1)pour your fluid in pan
2)add in flour and the remaining butter and wine
3)reduce to 1/3 (=1/2)
4)serve with freshly chopped parsley, if desired
Then, one MUST recite that tongue twister Julia skillfully recited at the end of the turkey episode, in french: “Didon dîna, dit-on, du dos dodu d’un dodu dindon.” Then one proceeds to drink the sauce (or as in common practice, serve w/ roasted potatoes). This shall cause the person to uncontrollably scream out "Bon appétit!"upon reaching orgasm. The effect is permanent and can't be undone.
I tried out Julia and Chill with Paul last week and now I yell "Bon appétit" whenever I cum.
When your chilling with your bitch and she realises you're wearing a carbrini tracksuit and wants to have sex
man - come over got an empty
Girl - can't I'm busy my mum just died
man - I've got my carbrini on, carbrini and chill?
Girl - I'll be right over
Person one: Oh hey its chill bill from the hit game skylanders trap team.
Chill bill: I aim to freeze!
A Badass troll motherfucker who made his first appearance as an enemy in Skylanders: Trap Team who years later became an internet meme. Chill Bill is the chillest of Bills and trolls. He also has a pretty dope theme everyone should listen to.
Yooo, it’s Chill Bill! The most BAMF out there!
(I couldn’t think of anything else to say.)
Chill Bill is a playable villain in Skylanders Trap Team who uses his freeze gun and can be heard on the Troll Radios throughout the game
He appears around halfway in Chapter 4 Phoenix Sanctuary and is the third Water Villain to capture, once captured there is a quest in an area in Chapter 3 Chompy Mountain called K-TROLL - Troll Radio where an NPC called Rocky who owns the Troll Radio Station and has a quest for Chill Bill called The Cold Front. Once completed Chill Bill’s clothes would change to a more darker blue with some yellow circles on his gloves
Fun Fact: Chill Bill was also a meme which gained popularity in mid 2023 with his catchphrase I aim to freeze and his theme song Golden Swagger also gaining popularity along with him
Chill Bill
I aim to freeze
The blue bitch for Skylanders Trap team
I aim to freeze! - Chill bill