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A bunch of dull looking pretentious retards who appreciate the wrong 'darkness' and like vulgarity instead, think uniqueness is all about having different clothes and believe being gothic makes them that, despite this being a subculture and having other people who look the same.
They also listen to bad music and think it's good just because it's not mainstream./

Goths: I look awful, I'm so unique and intelligent
Reality: nope.

by I am truth March 22, 2013

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hmm... quite hard to define (for every REAL goth it is differnet)any ways ill try to break it down into categorys
goth isnt a label,its a lifestyle the posers dont like to be labeled because they find it offensive
there are many religons in the lifestle with very few "satanists"
Hot Topic isnt a poser store (although ALOT of posers shop there) it caters to the the 2nd newest style in the culture: the urban goth(kinda of a cross between all of the different styles)
Cyber: they dress like they are from the future
Romantic/medival:they dress like they are from the renisance and romantic periods of history
Raver:HUGE pants, some cyber stuff, alot of black light stuff
Fetish:tight clothing leather and pvc
Above all goth is a mind set relizing the darker side of life our fucked up society hides WE ARE NORMAL PEOPLE sometimes we are depressed and feeling dark we feel the same as everyone else
Most poser eventually relize that they aern't gothic at all and then dress like everyone else (disgusting)
you dont become goth, your born into it

Some kid:Goth!
Poser:dont label me
Me:you both need to grow up

by invaderzim69 September 25, 2005

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Goths, despite what one person has said on urbandictionary, are NOT suicidal and they certainly do not go off and kill someone because they are different. Although some may go off the deep end and slit their wrists(this is rare) or commit suicide, the majority are friendly and harmless. They are very creative and are EXCELLENT poets and writers. I am a tomboy/goth, and am a very creative young lady, if I do say so myself. I love Linkin Park and Ozzy Osbourne, but am not stupid enough to go and commit suicide simply because my two favorite bands might sing about it once in a while. It makes me sick how people just go and assume that goths are evil, satan worshipping demons who have no considersation for others and will get no where in life. While I believe everyone is entitled to their opinions, acting like a brainless fool about it just makes me so enraged.

The person "Me" who wrote the example of a goth is dead on correct. Bravo!

by psychic child August 31, 2005

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A genre of person who dresses a certain way, sterotypically in mostly black and with articles of clothing that go against the commonly accepted "norms" of society. They also listen to a certain genre of music. Also they do not hang out with other groups of people, such as preps or jocks, because if they have non-goth friends they are a "poser". Many goths feel as though they are being unique by acting the way they do, which is true because they are different from other genres of humans. However each goth is only as unique from each other goth as much as any prep (or otherwise) is unique from any other prep. To be goth you have to conform to a certain way of dressing and acting, or else you are a poser. Therefore, one of the primary aspects of being goth is being a nonconformist, but to be goth you have to conform. So to recap, goths are just another social group and then need to relize that and stop mocking other social groups for being conformists or being annoying by acting in the manner consistent with their social group.

Goth: God look at those teeny bopper conformists.
Goth2: I know if only they would dress like us and act like us then we could like them.
Goth: Yeah, if the whole world were like us then the world would be perfect
Sociologist: Are you two aware that if you want to be unique then you shouldn't shop at the same stores as every other goth ever. By having your own genre of clothing, music, way of acting, and people who fall short of your standards and are therefore "posers", you are no more unique or better than any other group.

by Able Tothinksanely August 14, 2008

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Okay, many definitions have already been said but heres another one

I hang about in school with a group of 'goths'. These are my closest friends and are the most interesting people you could meet. all of together have so much fun and gernerally take the piss out of life. True, some goths do self harn and kill themselves, but most of then just wear dark clothes to portray their emotions. Just because someone is 'goth' does not mean they are limited to a certain type of music. Whilts looking throught a friends IPod i found a selection on non-goth songs by bands such as westlife and cascada, these are definatly not 'goth'. so to round up, goths are basicall people who follow thier own way in life and live life to the full.

by Ally K May 3, 2007

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Goth is not a heavy death anorexic mopey fiend who wears black all the time. Being goth is like when you used to be in dysfunctional situations before. We didn't choose to be gothic, it chooses us instead. Poseurs claim to be goth just because they wear black and listen to the so-called goth music. They don't even know the definition. That's terribly pathetic.

I became goth because I was adapted to the paranormal world since I was little. My family was the victim of black magic. Yes, I'm not a depressing goth. I used to be depressed, but not anymore.

Goths are not satanists! Well, maybe some of them are. I have my own religion (Islam). Gothic is like a medium where you can meet other people having the same experience like you (no matter what religion they are).

Goths are actually intellectual and intelligent people. They wear black. But not all the time. Goth is all about the attitude and your experience in life. Goths are intellectual, creative, and artistic people (most uneducated goths are poseurs!). They writes poetry and reads gothic literature.

I study Biology, Information Technology, Chemistry, Physics, English For Science And Technology. Does this proves that I'm uneducated and stupid? Being goth doesn't mean you don't listen to other types of music. I listen to Marilyn Manson, My Chemical Romance, Bjork, and Slipknot. They're not goths, but I like their music. So what?

Poseur 1: Owh my goth, I love boys with fringe. That's so goth!

Poseur 2: Shut up, I'm tryina slit my wrist here.

Poseur 1: And, boys with eyeliner.

Poseur 3: Well, I'll try overdosing instead.

by Siti Noraisyah A.R. May 7, 2006

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Just another label that people conform to for either their own personal enjoyment or to be oh-so-cool. I don't know why people just can't be themselves without a slew of labels, but whatever rows your boat.

People who strive to be gothic by acting dark and dressing in black and pissing and moaning about life and how much of an outcast they are are assholes and should be shot. Repeatedly.

If you are another of those sad gothic wannabes bitching about conformists, maybe you should think about all the contradictions spewing out of your mouth as you ARE CONFORMING TO A LABEL.

For the goths who are goths for their personal enjoyment... I never liked labels and never will but cheers.

The gothic wannabe cried, "Hot Topic is closed! Someone shoot me!" So I did and spared the world of her bitching. Then I ate her.

by binks January 11, 2004

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