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Yes kids, that is how you spell poseur. No, I'm not trying to spell it some "fancy french way." Don't believe me? Let's go take a look at handy old Webster's:

Main Entry: poΒ·seur
Pronunciation: pO-'z&r
Function: noun
Etymology: French
Date: 1872
: a person who pretends to be what he or she is not : an affected or insincere person

And there you have it. Still don't believe me? Let's look up "poser":

Main Entry: posΒ·er
Pronunciation: 'pO-z&r
Function: noun
Etymology: pose
Date: 1793
: a puzzling or baffling question



by Rilo June 28, 2003

3071πŸ‘ 361πŸ‘Ž


Poseur is the correct version of the more common "poser". The term is used for 2 reasons-

A) As an insult, used by one who is insecure and attempts to enhance their image by making people believe they have the authority to call someone else a poseur,


B) One who groups him or her self in a particular social clique in order to appear trendy or "edgy" but doesn't believe in the principals held by said clique and is only leeching onto it in order to avoid the social ridicule of not being part of a clique. A poseur will probably change their "style" once every 6 months, possibly more.

The common thread is insecurity- the insecurity to be yourself and be happy with it. Poseurs are the kinds of people who only appear "cool" to people who are just as insecure as they are. But no one ever found success lying to themselves for acceptance.

"Those mall punks are such poseurs, they have anarchy signs written all over their All-Stars, but nota single one of the retarded 8 year olds knows what it is, or that the sweatshopped armbands they all bought at Hot Topic support the system they claim to be rebelling against. Now lets go home and listen to some Yellowcard and cry so we can be hardcore," says the pussy emo kid with the rich parents and cute girlfriend, who has nothing to complain about, before I punch him.

by Rudeboy May 21, 2004

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Somebody acting in a manner inconsistent with their true self.

"That stylie over there is such a poseur."

by x January 22, 2003

387πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


A person who pretends to be someone he/she is not. Can be used in both the English and French languages. Means the same thing as poser.

Stop being a poseur and stay true to yourself.

by I.P. Greenish October 23, 2005

38πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


1. A poser is most commonly defined as someone who acts in a manner inconsistent with their personality. One who tries to be something they are not.
2. One who accuses others of being poseurs, or more commonly "posers," in order to up their own social status, so that they themsleves will not be labeled as a poseur.

I was walking through Borders the other day and I heard this Poseur talking about how he/she loves emo and listens to Miss. A. Lavigne all the time.

by three short dots May 13, 2003

71πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


1. A Conformist: someone who does what everyone else is doing b/c its "in", "trendy", or "cool" to do at the time.
2. Someone who puts themself under a certain label in order to be accepted by others who have conformed to that same label.

-It really doesn't matter what you wear or what you listen to in terms of music, as long as YOU YOURSELF truly like the music and the way you look.
-You won't be a poseur so long as you do what you like for YOURSELF, instead of doing things to be accepted by people who will find VERY little meaning in what individuality really means.

Punk, Goth, Emo, Hardcore, Gangster, Ghetto, Indie, MetalHead, etc.

Many (NOT all) white teens listen to rap music, not b/c they actually like it, but b/c its the "cool" thing to listen to, and if you listen to any genre of "Rock" music, you are looked down upon as an outcast and an "unnatural freak". But this ok, so long as you are true to yourself.

by Minion March 30, 2004

316πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž


One who changes themself completely because they either want to fit in, or because they want to be "different" then everyone else which is just conforming.

When Summer started Sarah wanted to be preppy but by September she was wearing all black and called herself a punk. She is a total poseur.

by Laurenxxx August 26, 2006

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