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- getting played by a fuck boy

- letting a fuck boy play you
- letting a fuck boy do what they want

Yoo Samantha you know kierra got fuckboyed

by Mind your business and read September 23, 2017


is literal garbage. The lowest scum of the earth. Will do anything to get what he wants, even if it destroys other people or relationships in the process. He has no regard for other people at all. he may breath in oxygen like the rest of us, but he breaths out lies. These lies can ruin peoples lives but of course being the little shit head a fuckboy is, he does not care. His lies will form a persona of the perfect boy for you which in reality is all fake and before you can catch on he has already started stalkimg his next prey. watch out for these little fuckers and get as far away as humanly possible as you can. They are shit.

that kid Dan Cooper in my math class is such a fuckboy.

by yopickle September 4, 2015

14๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


When one person of friend is being annoying, or bitchy. Not wanting to do what everyone else wants to do:

<I>Hanging out with a large group of people waiting to get picked up to go to the movies:</I>

<I>"is everyone ready?"</I>
<I>"i don't know, I don't really feel like going anymore.."</I>
<I>"Dude come on, you're being a little fuckboi"</I>

by URBAN February 18, 2012

235๐Ÿ‘ 219๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used by faggots to insult one another. Anyone who says it is a pedophile faggot, simple as that.

A.) some faggot on rapgenius just called me a fuckboy.

B.) probably some pedophile alter boy.

by WordRepoMan June 17, 2013

1082๐Ÿ‘ 1085๐Ÿ‘Ž


The worst insult to a male, basically callin him a bitch or pussyboy but not in those words. You should be ready to fight after being insulted like that. It originated in the south. (also see fucknigga)

50 cent at the vmas:

"Fuck Fat Joe!...fuckboy!!..pussy!!"

by Chris October 2, 2005

775๐Ÿ‘ 770๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who is constantly making people's lives worse. There are many ways in which one can do this. That person is usually very annoying, a pussy when it comes to doing anything moderately badass, always exaggerates whatever effects mind altering substances have, will take things from you saying they will pay you back but never will, always bum other peoples things (food, gas, weed, alcohol), only wants to be your friend because of things you have that the person wants, etc. This term also goes hand in hand with hotboys, because most fuckboys are hotboys as well. (see hotboy)

friend: Yo dude sidon asked me to match him on this blunt

you: Cool how was it?

friend: When I got there, he said he smoked his weed and asked if I would throw down this time.

you: So did you?

friend: Yeah, he said he'll pay me back

you: Damn dude, you're dumb he's never gunna pay you back

friend: Why not?

you: Cuz dude, he's a straight fuckboy

by LoudPackJack9 January 3, 2012

304๐Ÿ‘ 290๐Ÿ‘Ž


Fuckboy- Wes: Noun
A fuckboy is a guy who thinks that he can get every and any girl. He usually ends up cheating on many people and dates 80% of the girls at the school. He will easily get girls by calling them beautiful and telling them nice things then ignore them a week later.

He cheated on you?!?! What a fuckboy!

by SAVAGE MERMAID October 13, 2016

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž