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Some one who will do anything and everything to get attention

"so all that shit was to get a guy"
"what an attention-whore"

Lupe is such an attention-whore look at her all over that guy after she was just with the other guy.

by Ayamie September 17, 2011

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Attention whore

People who have insecurities so they try to attract attention by doing stupid things to hide that

Oh god it's John again, doing his usual antics
What an attention whore!

by Hu Akbar February 20, 2017

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attention plug

Someone who supplies you with compliments, isn’t your main man but someone you go to when you’re feeling insecure and need a boost of confidence.

Jessica: Why are you texting Finn if You’re dating Campbell?
Mia: Oh, Finn is just my attention plug

by Tingaz September 10, 2018

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Attention Monger

A person who begs for attention.

She needs attention. She has got to have it. What an attention monger. She is always mongering for attention on social media.

by Beren Garia December 11, 2018

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attention whore

A person or animal who won't leave you alone and comes up to you when you are trying to work

Savannah Flowers, Sara's parents' dog, is such an attention whore. No matter where you go, she follows you. Whenever you're eating your lunch, tending her owners' garden, or feeding the hens grass, she will always bug you. She won't even protect the chickens which she loves so much.

by Karen Stickney August 20, 2006

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attention whore

See Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is a stupid motherfucking attention whore. James Hetfield should go shoot down that dumb bitch

by METALLICA RULES!!!!!!!!!! October 29, 2010

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attention spasm

The sudden, involuntary moments when a person is able to concentrate mentally on a particular activity or conversation.

She asked me about my day after an attention spasm.

by Ikhazzaka December 22, 2016

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