The art of sneaking in your own drinks to a venue to avoid paying their extortionate prices then consuming them in the comfort of a cubicle.
Adam– “Where’s Joseph and Pete?”
Dan – “They’ve just gone for a few bog beers”
Adam – “Good idea, I’ll join them”
Pete – “It’s eight quid a pint at Adam’s wedding reception tonight." "How many bog beers are you bringing?"
Joseph - "Fucking loads”
This is a military and police phrase for someone who EASILY beats the required time for a run or other test.
The Sarge finished the 1.5 mile in 8 minutes beating the 10 minute mark with time for a beer!
The singular best account on Instagram. Takes movie scenes and edits them to be Friday/going out themed. Manages to actually get you excited for the weekend again. One of the few reasons to still use the app
Friend 1: did you see the newest post on Friday Beers?
Friend 2: no but I'm sure they knock it out of the park again
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A dump brewed in bowels of satan himself. Ocurrs only after a skinful (8-12 pints). This putrid, jet black shit is cemented into an unbreakable log that is as wide and as thick as a gorillas forearm. Not only does this defecation leave your arse in tatters due to it's colossal size, they tend to be blisteringly hot, singing pubic hair and leaving the ring red raw, making it near impossible to wipe. An allround thoroughly unpleasant experience.
Dave: Alright steve? You were in the bog for about 2 hours.
Steve: I was having a beer poo, my arse is in shreds. It's burnt the hair off the underside of my testes.
Dave: How many did you have last night?
Steve: 10. It was so big one end of the shit was in the U-bend whilst the other was still packed into my bowels.
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Budweiser's inbred little brother, Busch is the official beer of the homeless & rednecks across the united states. Designed to be cheap & get you piss drunk. Goes great with hunting, NASCAR, beating your wife or staggering in and out of traffic with a cardboard sign.
"Aw hell Billy Ray is hitting his wife on the porch again."
"Of course he is bro its Sunday, don't you see that 30pk of Busch beer next to his banjo?"
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Its the nap you have after consuming a bit too much beer. Your friends think you've just passed out but you are convinced you just dozed off cause you are a bit tired.
Check out Dan, he has passed out from way too much beer. Nah man, he is just having a beer nap, I had one last time we went out bro.
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The beer you take into the shower when you're in a hurry to go out and still need to get cleaned up, or want to relax from a long day.
Guy 1: Hey man, get going! We've got to leave in 20 minutes and you haven't even hit the shower yet!
Guy 2: I'm going, I'm going.. I haven't even started pre-gaming yet, what am I going to do?
Guy 1: No worries, I've got your solution. Take a shower beer.
Awesome Girlfriend: Hi honey, how was work?
Tired Boyfriend: It was stressful, my boss yelled at me and he wants me back in the office this weekend.
Awesome Girlfriend: Wow, what a day. Well don't worry, I'll start the shower and grab you a shower beer.
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