Source Code

Asterisk (Corrections)

An asterisk is used (*) in terms of correction of when a word is misspelled or mistaken for another. It is placed at the end of the correct word to replace a clearly definable mistake in a sentence.

guy 1: do you're cat even sleep?
guy 2: your*

box: have you ever heard of personifacation?

table: personification*

Asterisk (Corrections)

by bigbooty59 April 24, 2019

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Sex Correction

Sex correction, also known as rape correction is a term used by mentally I’ll discord and 4chan users to describe punishing someone for bad behavior by raping them,

Mark: Elementary schools should use sex correction.
Jack: why the fuck aren’t you in prison?

by Kyscola February 25, 2023

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Correctional Officer

Correctional Officer: An educated person that has a high school diploma and can spell.

Inmate: Babysiter, befor, coulda' and lier

Correctional Officer: Babysitter, before, could a and liar. You stupid ass!

by Irishnut May 21, 2010

31πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

Politically correct

To be accurate, to name something with 100% corrective. It helps people not to be offensive in their terminology.

The guy who says "Only pathetically weak people that don't have the balls to say what they feel and mean are politically correct pussies." That is by definition, not politically correct. Only a weak pussy would say that.

It is politically correct to call fat people, overweight or obese.

by Sapphire Real January 3, 2017

6πŸ‘ 2496πŸ‘Ž

Politically Correct

The politically correct way of saying someone is not racist, sexist, or just a big dick.

Idiot: Whit pepulz r better than errbody else

Me: Shut up you racist

Idiot: You p*ssy why are you trying to shove your politically correct agenda down my throat-

Me: No, I'm not, I'm just not a racist piece of crap.

by phanic at the disco June 8, 2016

50πŸ‘ 4451πŸ‘Ž

polluticly correct

any action taken by a person to prevent or minimise the
amount of pollution they are omitting

It makes my day to see all those people are being
polluticly correct by leaving this campsite so clean

by RENNIE SILAS September 28, 2005

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Political Correctness

P.Cor poltical correctness is a philosphy started by Social Justice Warriors that advocates for not saying certain things because they might be seen mean to groups seen as oppressed. It’s adherents (A large enough portion of society to effect it) think they’re being nice but in reality, they are preventing important truths from being told and killing every form of enterntainment it manifests onto (Which is most Hollywood Entertainment). When you break their speech codes they get triggered, try to make your life a living hell and get you fired and/or de-platformed. Two very good examples of this philosophy in action are on South Park when P.C Principal beats up Eric Cartman for calling Jared Fogle a spokesman instead of a spokesperson (below) and James Damore getting fired from Google because he said there are differences between men and women.

Political Correctness is cancer.

by Hot.rodz January 2, 2018

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