Dreamsexual is a phenomenon that occurs when a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy.
Mother: No, alcohol won't affect my baby!
the baby 9 months later: m- mo-
mother: He's about to say his first word!
baby: mother, i am a proud Dreamsexual
Dreamsexuals are fatherless dream stans, but is now motherless.
dream stan: i'm dreamsexual
people with a brain: hello cancerous kid!
It's so sad that such sad lowlife DSMP stans stoop so low that they have to make up their own sexuality "dreamsexual" to fit in with the LGTBQ+ community. Like damnnnn why do people want to be oppressed so badly pmsl 😂
Disgrace, uses a name of a youtuber to identify a gender.
Another way of saying someone's a disgrace/mistake.
Dreamsexual person : mom , dad I thnk i'm dreamsexual
Mom and Dad: You were a mistake
When your fucking attracted to a YouTuber named dream
PERSON 1: I'm dreamsexual
Me: Tf just leave the man alone he's human too
someone being sexualy atracred o dream whch is pathetic and they need to touch some grass
bill: im dreamsexual. billy: go touch some grass you pathetic excuse for a human.