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hot ice cream

A sexual act similar to felching that requires breast milk instead of semen.

"We need to come up with a new sex fetish."
"How about something involving breast milk?"
"You mean like squirting it up someone's ass, then sucking it back out?"
"So... Hot ice cream?"

by empresss@hotmail.com October 24, 2011

6👍 2👎


Ejaculating into the top of a black women's ass and letting it drip down her asscrack.

Dude Beyonce is so fine brah I wish i could tap that ass and then give her and "Ice Cream Sandwhich"

by The Dave13 June 25, 2009

32👍 22👎

Ice Cream Sandwich

When two gay black dudes both skeet on each-others torsos, then keep going, smearing the cream between themselves until it gets cold and sticky, resembling the black cookies with ice cream in the middle.

Gay black guy 1: So what do you wanna do tonight?

Gay black guy 2: Lets try an ice cream sandwich.

by reddit12 December 12, 2013

47👍 37👎

McDonalds Ice Cream

Just some plain old ice cream.Except it’s very rare to find!

Person 1:Yo let’s go to McDonald’s
Person 2:Sure dude
-When they get to McDonald’s-
McDonald’s Staff:Hello what would you like today
Person 1:Just some ice cream please
McDonalds Staff:Sorry the ice cream machine is broken
Person 2:Aw man I wanted that too how come I always can’t get McDonalds Ice Cream :(

by Fluffy_Tweety July 28, 2022

Ice Cream Hair

People that have this kind of hair are really anoying. They try to act cool and they can be in grade 7-12. They are mostly part of every gang but no one likes them.

Ew does that kid have Ice Cream Hair?

by Lebronzeo October 5, 2023

ice cream challenge

An internet challenge where people secretly take the lid off ice cream cartons, lick the ice cream, and put the lid back on.

I saw some teens doing the ice cream challenge, and now an unsuspecting customer might get germs.

by NoStockingz August 27, 2019

Neapolitan ice cream

A white woman with dyed red hair who's carpet doesn't match her drapes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Example 1-

Guy: so, does the carpet match the drapes?
Girl: no?
Guy: nice, like Neapolitan ice cream *points and winks*

Example 2-
Guy 1 : I banged this redhead last night but her bush was brown, I call that shit neapolitan ice cream.
Guy 2: damn bro, that's clever

by EvilGelatine03 October 27, 2022