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Dirty Pillow

From the book Carrie.

Mom: -gasp- I see your dirty pillows!
Carrie: Those are my breasts, moma.
Mom: Come! -shouts- IN the name of GOD! We shall burn the dress and beg for forgiveness.

by Yoshi the PUG September 18, 2004

126๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

pillow sex

Making slow and luxurious love to a soft pillow, rubbing the pillow against one's genitals or thrusting into the pillow, a.k.a. pillow humping. Pillows are actually very humpable and can be used for masturbation by both males and females. Pillow sex is also very safe, because the risk of getting a STD from your pillow is zero unless you share the pillow with someone.

Last night I had very sweet pillow sex thinking about my hot cousin.

by Pulvillus November 12, 2006

434๐Ÿ‘ 145๐Ÿ‘Ž

pillow samich

sex with a folded pillow, the art of fucking a pillow,

My roomate was a cock block so I went to his room and used his pillow for a pillow samich.

by Sniff March 12, 2006

36๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

pillow friends

Lesbians. Seen in novel Path of Daggers, Robert Jordan.

Quote from memory:
It's none of my business that you two spend so much time together, for all I know you could be pillow friends.

by bean October 10, 2003

86๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pillow Princess

A girl, normally in a wlw relatiobship, that just lays back and lets her partner do all the work. In other words gets eaten out, but refuses to give anything back.

My last girlfriend was such a pillow princess, i got nothing out of that relationship, if you know what i mean.

by Maries01 April 17, 2018

226๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pillow Kid

The kid that always ruins events such as pillow fights and other general rough housing. They always get hit in the eye with the zipper on the pillow and complain, thus ending everyone's fun.

Do you know James Jennings, he is such a pillow kid; yesterday we were playing pretend ninjas and he didn't catch the ninja star I threw at him so it hit him in the eye.

by Steven Dayton October 25, 2004

32๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

pillow topping

When a man thrusts his penis between a woman's large, soft butt-cheeks, eventually ejaculating on he back. Similar to titty-fucking, but with the butt-cheeks. No penetration, just a jack off with the cheeks.

I got up behind her and totally pillow topped that bitch. I was pillow topping her again and again, then blew my wad right up her back.

by jediracer July 6, 2010

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