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President George W. Bush of the United States of America .

"Hey look it's asshole !"

by ShaqAttack. May 5, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


An unresonable person

Mr Amos is an asshole because he is an unresonable person who pokes people instead of talking to them

by jemg April 20, 2008

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A backlash in a fishing reel (especially a casting reel)

Dammit, I just got the worst asshole ever.

by Whackmaster November 29, 2007

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The worst type of person. Someone who seriously needs their ass kicked big time or get tortured by getting skinned alive. These types of people seriously don't deserve to breathe our precious air. They are people who waste space on this Earth and it is a privelage for them to even exist on this planet. They are disgusting, self centred, evil, mean, selfish, fucktards, exploiters....too much to list. They love to bad mouth people who are more superior than they are. A lot of people like following these types of people because "assholes" is like a disease. It is more contagious then SARS and one "asshole" can accumulate into thirty assholes.

1. Peter from Steveston secondary is a total asshole.
2. George W. Bush is an asshole.
3. My Science teacher is an asshole.
4. Pretty much everyone on this fucking planet is an asshole

by Thomas Huang March 13, 2007

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Me,You,and Everyone Else

Lauren:You know what Aaron your an asshole!
Aaron:Yah well so are you and your friends.

by Shiranui February 4, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term to describe the characteristics of a player.

This includes:
Knowing to make a guy/girl laugh
How to keep your other coming back
Slick language
Knowledge of body language
Manipulation of the mind.

Why do all the cute, fresh guys have to be assholes?
Because they develop assholism.

by myexperience April 7, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Assholic, n. Someone, preferably of the female gender, who has it wished upon them by multiple beings to be violently pillaged and ravaged by a shark, usually a great white, who then devours the flesh of said entity in a rather barbaric and savoring manner.

Guy: Look of that bag 'o ho over there! *points

Girl: Oh my gosh, she's assholic!

Guy: I agree, now let's go dump her in a shark tank and help out society!

by AJndEC January 13, 2011

30๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž