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Clone one

One of Lilpikaluver’s ocs. She is an evil clone of one of the numberblocks, and she was designed to kill them all. Age: 8. Female. Can also transform into a wolf-like form with sharp sabertooth teeth, 4 ears, and 2 tails.

Clone one is ready to always kill numberblocks.

by Lilpikaluver January 15, 2025


A tactic used by a woman who is engaged in cheating with a man with similar physical characteristics as her husband, boyfriend, significant other, etc., to minimize the risk of detection or cast doubt of paternity in the event a child is produced as a result of the affair.

Everyone seems excited about Ursula and her new baby. But something just doesn't seem right to me. I used to see her out late at night with a guy who I thought was her boyfriend Steven. He looked just like him. Now I'm not so sure after getting a really good look at the baby. The more I think about it I believe she was cloning by finding someone who looked like her boyfriend which made it easier to hide the fact that she was cheating.

by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? November 3, 2019