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bosnian concrete

a special type of concrete made in bosnia that is made with the following:
concrete, carbonated cum, blended walrus testicles mixed with water, high fructose corn syrup and a loaf of moldy bread
then you mix it up

wait, i was walking on a sidewalk made from bosnian concrete?

by GazubaX October 12, 2023

Blood Concrete

Concrete from buildings or structures that has crushed people to death, with the entire pile of rubble hastily grounded down to make new roads or bricks, without regard of the bodies inside the wreckage.

While definitely not a common occurrence, it has been known to happen during devastating wars, or massacres.

That new road was paved with blood concrete. It contains my Uncle Joseph, my friend Thomas, and many others I don't know of.

by Quackels R. Duck October 17, 2024

Concreter’s holiday

A Australian term used to explain that someone is in prison.

“Yeah - Nah mate he is on holiday…” “oh, that sounds nice” “… nah yeah, it’s a concreter’s holiday, he will be out in 6months”

by Doing big no January 29, 2025

concrete piñata

Something you are not looking forward to doing or seeing.

They're not allowing booze at the party, so it will be about as much fun as hitting a concrete piñata.

by IronSam March 7, 2014

concrete lovemaking

The act of falling of your skateboard at grave speed hitting concrete / the ground.

I'm going skateboarding hopefully no more 'concrete lovemaking' like last week my skin needs to heal.

by MarcusRaptus August 2, 2014

spoon of concrete

As in to take a spoon of concrete as a sort of medicine to get tough, "harden up".

When someone is being a whinge bag. Perhaps they are making their own problems out to be worse than anyone else's, or just complaining about something that we all have to endure, it's just the rest of us don't enjoy being a victim. Or for someone who has learned to be a victim as some kind of role to have.

It's the ultimate in giving the youth a new perspective so that they can carry on the human race without crying themselves to death first.

*sissy complaining*

"Hey take a spoon of concrete will ya? Harden up"
"Spoon o' concrete for you, harden up"

by Holy Arse August 20, 2023

concrete campers

A person or persons who live in a tent on concrete ; suburbanites of the lower class, who have not yet made it to the middle class standings.

Johnny leaves his minimum wage job and crawls into his cardboard box for the night, he is just one of many concrete campers just making it by.

by jotegg April 13, 2018