Source Code

Scouting Mission

When a bunch of wingmen go out and patrol the bar for possible targets of opportunities. They then return and debrief those that remained behind to drink their beers and save a spot at a bar table.

The wingmen all went out on a scouting mission to find some high value targets in the bar. They returned to report that the bar was currently a target rich environment. They then proceeded to order a round of jaeger bombs.

by Big Pimping January 4, 2008

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gypsy mission

a gypsy mission comes about in two primary ways:

1) you go out by yourself drinking and/or taking drugs with the intention of meeting new people, going new places and having an all-round good time. it is a common occurrence when travelling alone, especially in a foreign country


2) you are already out and are left by yourself due to unforeseen circumstances, and instead of calling it quits you continue partying alone

the key to a good gypsy mission is to be friendly to everyone you meet. you don't have to like everyone you come across, but ensure you are amicable and non-confrontational

be open to venue changes, crowd changes and trying new things. if a place gets boring, move onto another place. don't be afraid to walk into a house party you know no-one at. people won't care if you are friendly

just remember it's all about having fun and sleep is always optional

whoa, i had the craziest gypsy mission last night.. ended up hanging out with this crack dealer in the red light district, while he made some "drops".

by talib82 May 20, 2010

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N - Mission, short for Narnia mission, reffering to the movie The Chronicles of Narnia and attatching the word mission displays that the mission (trip) is very long like the trip it took the kids from the movie traveling from the ice land to Narnia.

General Definition: a very long trip from the starting point to the destination.

Thornhill to newmarket is such an N-Mission.

by Paul Papageorge February 16, 2006

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Cake Mission

To fuck a girl quickly and send her home

Guy 1- "So I walked in on my girl fucking my bro."
Guy 2- "Fuck! That bitch got you bent... wtf bro. Im sorry, dont sweat that grimey hoe."
Guy 1- "Ha hell no, Im not gunna sweat it. Im just about to go on a Cake Mission with her best friend."

by cc8394 May 19, 2011

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Jew Mission

A prolonged journey including yourself and possibly a few friends. The word Jew Mission comes from anceint Egypt when Moses led the Jews through a 40 year quest in the desert.

Person 1 "Where are we going?"
Person 2 "Joe's house"
Person 1 "Where does Joe live?"
Person 2 "On the other side of town"
Person 1 "That's a Jew Mission"

by Der Moobs July 29, 2006

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Mission Potato

Another name for Mission Viejo, so named for the early immigrants that journeyed there from Spanish Mexico: Colonel Salvador Jesus Ignoble de Potato (1779-1828) led an expedition to settle the peaty marshes where Borders, Best Buy, and Dairy Queen now sit.

Mission Potato/Viejo is one of the world's leading exporters of tubers with business degrees.

"Hey dude, where you from again?"

"Mission Potato."

"Where's that?"

"Orange County."

"Dude! The OC!!"

by Zak Nelson July 29, 2006

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Onion mission

None-o'-ya damnnn business.

Kippy: "So how did you guys get here, anyway"
Arbiter: "We were on an onion mission, kid.."
Kippy: "What's an onion mission?"
Arbiter: "None-o'-ya DAMN business. HOME.. RUN."

by uberaleX March 2, 2008

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