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Bar Hug

1) Bastardization of the term, Bear Hug. Semantic alteration. Used in association with attorneys who minimize or attempt to dismiss illicit sexual relations with their own clients.

2)Bar associations and Supreme Courts embracing or ignoring attorneys who violate ethical standards.

1) I was merely giving Mrs. Doe a bar hug.

2)Disciplinary Counsel keeps giving attorney Doe bar hugs.

by Leon Fulmer September 27, 2004

28๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dive bar

A well-worn, unglamorous bar, often serving a cheap, simple selection of drinks to a regular clientele.

The term can describe anything from a comfortable-but-basic neighborhood pub to the nastiest swill-slinging hole.

You don't need to dress up; we're just going to the dive bar down the street.

Man, that place is such a dive bar... Don't go in unless you plan to burn your clothes afterwards.

by Ella Kushan August 8, 2005

1747๐Ÿ‘ 317๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bar Rape

A slang term to define someone who supports himself/herself on the emergency bar in Dance Dance Revolution(DDR) in order to complete a song.

That guy always bar rapes when he plays that song.

by Angelic April 12, 2004

61๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Twonka bar

Absolute twat. A mix between a twonk (family friendly version of twat) and a wonka bar. Friendly insult

Person 1: yo this person shagged my mum
Person 2: what a twonka bar

by Twonka bar February 15, 2021

bar guy

similar to socialite. For this guy the popularity contest never ended after high school graduation, it continues on at the bar and he sees it as an opportunity to redeem himself. His life revolves around going to the bar and playing the field. He tans too much,workouts and wears Ed Harty t-shirts. May or may not have money but acts like he does. he gets girls, but only because he is a high volume shooter. Seems desirable from a distance, but has a very flat personality. Many acquaintances few friends, spends way to much time online networking. Will often hear him bragging about how drunk he was at a particular social function, but in reality (with him knowing or not) he wasn't even that drunk, because he is a pussy.

she lives her life from one bar guy to the next

by wils87 November 19, 2009

bar deezy

Shooting the puck off the crossbar and down into the net in a game of hockey.

Last night I went bar deezy from the wing on the short side for a gee dub.

by tamank September 29, 2010

Harbor Bar

A specific form of gangbang, wherein a woman assumes the starfish position whilst being waylaid by four Dutch hikers.

"I am so sore, guys!"
"From all the hiking in Acadia?"
"No, from the Harbor Bar I enjoyed right after!"

by HarborBaring July 6, 2013