The type of rat that gets past krebs Security.
damn rat scam totally got tricked krebs to get the super crab
Always be prepared. Out there
live many treacherous creatures out there that want
your money and fortunes of any shape or size. If its a
weird man with a strange tattoo or a duck with a gifted
mind there are many mercenaries out there. The Cute
Duckling Scam was founded by Nelson Eider a
Norwegian duck from a northern subclass duck clan
when he realized the influence of hatchlings on human
beings. Observing our kind through controlled
experiments, Nelson came to the conclusion that while
distracted with something the humans called "cute"
they often forgot about their surroundings and ignored
almost everything else. Thus leading Nelson to the fact
that this would leave their valuables unguarded. Nelson
had trouble accomplishing this due to the fact that
Viking, at the time, carried only a few articles of
currency on them and in safe pockets. Realizing this
the duck resorted to robbery. He would distract shop
owners with his children and then take whatever he
thought was needed. His followers in the Americas
were able to work the original purpose of the Cute
Duckling Scam, which is stealing money from the
unsuspecting human who happens to be conveniently
mesmerized by the ducklings carefully stationed by the
parent duck. Even after his death his lessons and
beliefs continued to inspire not only ducks but there
other many bird relatives, including their rivals the
power hungry geese.
“Aww look at those cute ducklings”
“be careful around them or else they’ll pull a cute duckling scam on you
What kids do in Roblox to get stupid items.
People are scamming for no reason.
Not deceive or try to prank someone.
Not treating someone like a sucker.
Don’t scam on me bruh, I know it’s only 15 for a nickel.
A 'game' known as 'The Days Before'
"I'm playing that shitty scam game The Days Before"
A male trick to get a pretty girl to take off her clothes.
In Rolf's wolf scam, he posed as a motion picture director to get women to audition for him.
ACN SCAM is an organization that offers education to consumers about risky alternative health treatments. ACN SCAM stands for The Association of Caring Nurses Against So-Called Alternative medicine.
The members of ACN SCAM are giving a presentation tonight at cancer benefit about avoiding alternative health treatments.