To talk to someone through a text messege on their cellular telephone and often saying that they are having a good day then leads into a conversation.
Steve: What are you doing?
Sean: I am having a textual conversation with Ali. She is good.
When a girl or guy, usually one you don't want to be associated with, smothers you with text messages to the point of calling the cops on them.
My crazy ex girlfriend who still wants something from me likes to initiate in textual harassment.
When someone is texting you and it's far too sexual for your liking. Unwanted texutal harassment.
Sarah was messaging me last night, it was textual harassment.
One who is unable to express ones emotions though text
Girl: OMG! I just won a all expenses paid trip for two!! :-D do you wanna come?????
Boy: Ok cool.
Girl: Sounds like you are suffering from textual retardation :-/
The glow of light that shines off an assholes face at night while they are illegally texting on their phone while driving
That fucking asshole has some real textual glow. Plus he’s in my fucking way
When one who is certain of their argument is made to look foolish in a text based conversation.
We were texting about some movie we saw last night. I thought I found this huge plot hole, and she pointed out that I missed the dialogue that had explained it. It was a textual pantsing.
A temporary autonomous zone where interdisciplinary art can heal us all, as equal bodies in space.
That textual healing really soothed my soul.
This nerdy dance party is some great textual healing!