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Chicken nugget from the price chopper freezer section

An insult calling someone this is very mean bc you are comparing them to frozen junks of horse meat

chicken nugget from the price chopper freezer section

by Organicfucker July 1, 2021

1👍 1👎

Book of law page 487 section 2 line 4

Stem majors are inherently better than non stem majors including bio majors, therefor they get to make the rules

Joe: Look at the bio major trying to get into stem, must not know about Book of law page 487 section 2 line 4.

by Divoks September 28, 2022

1👍 1👎

Comments Section

What every one of these definitions needs.

You, reading this now: "Fuck, I hate this definition, written by this obvious (insert hated political party here), douche bag, but a "thumbs-down" button doesn't properly quantify the rage with which I would cram sharp, pointy objects up his ass, where I given the chance... If only there were a COMMENTS SECTION, I could at least let them know my feelings by saying something whitty, like 'shut-up, commi scumbag' , that would teach 'em"

by StrongDynamics September 28, 2020

Comments section

Fuck you, shut the fuck up

Save the comments section…’Cuz words are bullshit

by Pushmataha November 29, 2022

election section

As opposed to a c-section, when the results of an election cause pregnant women to conclude their unborn child has a better chance of survival the sooner they get the right to vote, therefore the sooner they are born.

Person A: I went into labor yesterday, and had a beautiful baby boy. But it was a premature birth.

Person B: Really? Why?

Person A: I underwent an election section after experiencing the shock of Tuesday’s election.

by TheSharpie November 25, 2016

sectional couch

crappy ass couch for an elderly couple

my grandma and pappy got a sectional couch

by crzygolf2000 June 23, 2017

Come to section 127

Code amongst male homosexuals indicating a particular type of activity that will take place once the two individuals meet up. In this case, reciprocal penis/anus penetration.

Hey bro, when you get here, come to section 127 and after you do me up my butt I’ll do you up yours.

by BobbyInTheKnow July 31, 2022