sexy bastards were born on this day
kayla: man kagevista aka the sexy retard is so sexy i want to smash her so badly
kai: february 7 shall be sexy bastards day from now on
kayla: makes sense because she was born on february 7 2003
A Guy who is in need of a gf and he is a valid guy ngl he’s cool you should date him
“I’m literally a 5”7 brownskin
You are in jail waiting to go to court so you go have a shower and cause of your long hair you look like a chick then bubba takes you from behind and you have the ride of your life and its the longest 8 seconds of ur life.
Them two guys are experimenting and owning the 7 day remand rodeo good for them.
congrats, you got absolutely nothing
*typed 1€§2£|3¥~4_…5^\6<7>8{!9}?0*
Messi used to have 7 Ballon D'ors until yesterday.
2👍 1👎
When something gets note 7'd it means that it exploded. This is because of the note 7 by samsung that had a defective battery. Samsung had to shut down all of these mobile phones to prevent more explosions from happening.
I threw this bomb and it note 7'd.
Terrorists note 7'd the building
Are you good? Wait no you literally typed every single symbol on your keyboard so why did I even ask
person 1: `¬¦1!2"3£4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qQwWeEéÉrRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}aAáÁsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL\|zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/?
person 2: wtf
person 1: :)