The phrase one may use to describe a cowardly male -one who eats meat and acts tough but is as soft as a ranch-dressing soaked salad.
Luke: "Shit, Dusty. I heard you couldn't get your wife to mind you the other day. What are you soft or something?"
Dusty: "No, Luke. I am not soft at all. I respect my wife and all women for that matter. I don't feel the need to act all tough, for I'm not the one who is afraid that people see me as all salad."
Luke: "Hell, I wouldn't eat a salad even if I was starvin!"
Dusty: "You keep treating your wife that way and you be starving and all salad and NO NUTS!"
When you're tossing someone's salad after they've had an extensive amount of hot sauce on taco Tuesday.
Man, she was hot, but she had Tapatio Salad and my mouth is on fire!
"Hey, Tim, do you pepper your salad?"
"Yeah, dude, I masturbate daily."
Usually only occurs whilst on strong anti-biotics and a vegan diet. A 'salad blender' is the undigested reminants of sald, left over in a stool. Though it is essentially excremant, it still fully resembles salad and has many health benifits if consumed.
Example 1:
Hey Matty! I left a steaming SALAD BLENDER in the toilet, come check it out.
Example 2:
That chick, Jane, is a huge bitch. Let's feed her one of my SALAD BLENDERs and say it's a falafel.
Example 3:
You should get those SALAD BLENDERs checked out, Jim. They are staining the toilets.
Where the first time you pop a cherry you take the blood, put it on lettuce then make your partner consume the salad
Male:Ah fuck ye, there you go the bloods coming
Female:Uh, what are you doing?
Male: Just making a cherry salad
A 3way between you, your boyfriend, and your girlfriend from high school.
Man, I had a weird dream last night. Ty, Laura, and I were all together, making egg salad.