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show splurge

When you watch a show in its entirety over a period of hours, days, or weeks. What happens right before a show hole. See also Binge watching.

"Hey Seth, you wanna come out with us tonight?" "Nah, I'm just gonna stay home and show splurge Trailer Park Boys this weekend."

by dmarie3 April 11, 2016

Show me your bankai

When a bleach fan wants to the see the genitals of another person

James: hey carl show me your bankai dude
Carl: sure
*takes of pants and shows his penis*

by Zəd October 13, 2023

fred the show

it's an epic tv program about fred from fred the youtube show

Me: "Let's watch FRED The SHOW"
Barry Johnston: "K"

by biggie-nig January 16, 2019

meme show

any show that would be watched by a memer or contains a high concentration of memes, example would be Arrested Development

Bruh, I wouldn't watch that meme show, fam.

by Dan smith 17 December 28, 2016

The Diane Rehm Show

a call-in show based in the United States that aired nationally on NPR (National Public Radio).

Diane took over as host in 1979, and the show became The Diane Rehm Show in 1984

by SPrice1980 May 9, 2023