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a person who is extremely smart and enthusiastic about a particular subject.

Bully: hey whats up nerd
Guywhoisextremelysmartandidkwhattodowiththisexample: hi

by IPlayBloxFruits_12 September 15, 2023


Someone who is smarter than you in anyway.

Jim: A nerd ( smarter than you ).

by Amazingsand October 17, 2021



Brandon is a fucking nerd

by Lick_my_stick February 1, 2019


A lighthearted joke name for someone you care about.

"You're such a nerd. ilu"

by imtryingmybest6 April 22, 2018


According to Kurt Vonnegut: Someone who farts in the bathtub and eats the bubbles.

Look at that idiot, I bet he’s a real nerd

by Woodnone August 5, 2019


To spoil the joke with "Umm actually". While the information you are providing may be true, other people might already know it and they would be mad at you if you ruin the fun.

Dave: Why are there homeless people? Just buy a house lol
John: Can I nerd?
Dave: Yeah you can
John: Actually they are too poor to buy a house

by Koro6einik May 5, 2024


An un tasty candy like ewww

You are like a nerd ewww

by Ella monmon June 21, 2019