A flippy dude is generally a high school freshman who does nothing but skate and play xbox. And even though really hot vietnamese chicks he says no way. His only girl is his xbox. He calls her Latisha.
Jesus Christ my ex-boyfriend was such a flippy dude!!!
Where washed up athletes attend higher education
Person A: Jimmy would’ve won us the game if he wasn't injured
Person B: You kidding? He threw three interceptions in one quarter last game, he’s on his way to enrollment at Good Dude University.
dyvier. one word is all i have to say.
omg theres the most perfect dude ever !
A dude swears to make a swear something is true if they were wrong they would lose their dudeness.
Joe: Dude swears that fucker is mint af
Ayden: Nah dude swears that fuckers worth a 100 bucks
This is a man whose only word he knows is... ye. If you ask him a question he will ONLY respond with... Ye. When he gets maried, his wife will want to name the prodigal child Gaston, but Noirva will INSIST the child too bare the name Ye, and this child will bare vengence for his father, wondering the world as the Evil god Ye born of the Ye lord to bring hell upon his father.
basically he likes responding with ye.
Hey Noirva gamer dude! what shoes are you wearing today bro??
Nova: YE...
Will Smith went all Will Smith on a dude at the oscars