A stinky fat wannabe that flexes other peoples money
That’s not his money he is a fake scammer
When you don't actually make the bed. Instead you just throw the comforter over the the top to make it appear made. "Fake Make"
Oh honey you made the bed today! Nope. You just did a fake make
the code word for a vape or cart to hide it from younger brothers or snitches
"can i borrow ur 'fake airpods,' im feining rn"
What you’d say to those who criticize your interests, as a defense.
Person 1: dude I can’t believe your a Konosuba fan that’s like the lowest of the low how can you like that shit
Person 2: I’d rather be cast down with the sodomites than live a fake life with those at the top
Slang in Iowa and the suburbs of London for someone who loses a race to the VC
J is a fake pocket
A person who is in fact, totally apolitical, but jumps on every bandwagon going. Usually in order to gain social acceptance, and appear more intelligent than they actually are.
I see all the British middle class fake wingers have blacked out their social media profiles: As if they've ever even had a single objective thought about the situation.
I person who cares about you in a brotherly way. Someone who shows you love and hate at the same time. Someone who is overprotective over you about boys. A person who shows you off to all of his friends and tells his family about you. They are also a person who you can talk to and they will comfort you.
That's my brother.
Your blood brother.
No, my fake brother.
Oh well, he treats you like his sister.