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A term in poker, usually of the online variety. A D-Raise is when a player is the last player to act around the table after all other players have bet or called the existing bet, and instead of just calling or checking like everyone else and getting to the next card, the D-Raiser bets the minimum amount, causing the entire cycle of betting to have to repeat itself. It can be especially frustrating in games with a large number of players at a table.

Player 1: bets $100
Player 2: calls
Player 3: calls
Player 4: calls
Player 5: calls
Player 6: calls
Player 7: calls
Player 8: calls
Player 9: bets $5

Players 1-8: "What a D-Raise"

by Defeater of Fail July 8, 2009

Hi :D

The act of shitting in a girls vagina and eating it after sex.

A: So whacha wanna do babe?
B: Hi :D
A: Say less.

by Xx_EatItAndBeatIt_xX December 16, 2022


Getting discouraged after being left on read, only for the other person to reply a short while later with an explanation.

I got D-Ghosted by this girl the other day, but she was just on a plane flying home.

by 141414141 August 31, 2022


A modern spin on the word “travesty” when a situation is so ridiculous and unfortunate that one must laugh.

“Omg, this guy on my blind date was 30lbs heavier than his pictures and had NO personality. That date was a Travis-D”

by ABrown16 July 21, 2020

Real d

Penis, flesh like, not rubber

They love the real d

by Berry Punny December 16, 2017

Avocados :D

A group of awesome kids who all have unique talents. They are all different but those differences bring them together. Each member is said to be the child of a god. Such as Poseidon or Apollo. Each kid is wicked cool and can cheer you up at any time. The Avocados is the most awesome friend group ever made.

Wow! The Avocados are such great friends. Avocados :D YAY!!!

by Avocados Rock :D December 31, 2018


When Academy Award winning actor James Franco convinces you to watch a gay porn just because he's in it and he scars you for life.

"How you doing, Bri?"
"Awful, I just got Franco-d

by pappibigbig January 14, 2022