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bean pocket

the soft outer skin cradling the penis
most common in animals such as dogs

hey kenny, put your finger in your dog's bean pocket

by glee worshiper August 21, 2010

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Lima Bean

A Caucasian Male who has been exposed to so much Latin culture through his romantic relationship that he begins to exhibit extreme Alpha-Male traits including but not limited to: red-face, machismo, know-it-all, paranoia, photographic memory only when convenient to him and baldness.

Hey Gloria, your man is such a Lima Bean!

by AriesChic327 November 18, 2015

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fraz bean

A supernatural occurence in which a yoyo emerges from one's rear end.

A fraz bean exited by buttocks.

by Tavi December 5, 2003

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Can mean the person is being given a hard time.

Can mean someone has been rejected.

Can mean someone is ignoring someone.

Can infer position of power

I see your chick sent you to the bean-bag.

I gave that guy who asked me out the bean-bag.

I see your girlfriend is giving your the bean-bag treatment.

Im the one on the bean-bag in this situation.

by hs101 September 7, 2011

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Heh beans

A painting Depicting a long neck and a head with a malicious intent kind of look on it’s face as well as having multiple flaps on its oh so long neck the painting is in all black and white. The last details of the painting is a phrase above it saying heh beans in black and is located permanently painted on a wall. Those who se this image say they here the phrase in there head specifically in a strange voice. After viewing the picture the viewer will say heh beans at any time and giggle for a bit. This is always done in a weird voice that sounds like how the painting looks if you know what I mean.

Heheh look at that heh beans heheheh

by Ahent June 3, 2019

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bullet beans

Beans in freeze-dried chili con carne rations carried by LERPs. The beans remained hard although cooked

I got the chili again. I'm so fuckin tired of bullet beans

by BoKnows February 11, 2009

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Bean Drippings

Or, bean drippin's - simply a term for "coffee". The first person to ever coin the term was PJ Filipowicz

Could I get a cup of bean drippings? Just cream please, thanks.

by Ted Arneson January 13, 2011

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