The consumption of a properly prepared Jewish person. Only the highest quality of cannibal cooks can be trusted to properly prepare this dish.
While there are several regional variations on the Jew Meal, especially in western Russia and southeastern Denmark, the most common variant originates in Albany, France. In this recipe the Jew is first plucked, leaving the yarmulke for last. Next the intestines are emptied and the entire body is soaked overnight in a broth of sea salt, cayenne pepper, diced green onion, minced artichoke heart, and vegetable oil. After the mixture has soaked in, the entire pan should be put into the oven and baked for 90 minutes at 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Serve with mixed vegetables and a red wine sauce.
"Remember to set an extra place at the table! When you eat the Jew Meal, Hitler eats with you."
Bernard, get in here quick, we're about to break the Jew Bone!"
to feel emo, to your self, or kinda stupid....
"dude I totally feel "juar (jew are) today"
a sharp hum followed by the words 'what do you mean', this is a way for people to ask what is meant when they actually know the answer and exactly what happened, but want to buy time and is said very quickly to distract the accuser.
Koko: 'Ash did you just take a piss without washing your hands?'
Ash: 'hm, what jew mean?'
The act of sweeping away a burnt Jews ashes
Person 1: we’re done in the chambers.
Person 2: do you need the Jew duster?
Basically a term for jewish boys to enjoy their summer by making money , controlling the banks and stealing land
who ready for jew boy summer this year ?
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