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kira paul

A cool mom, modern day occultist, and genius of the realm.

A Kira paul a day keeps the doctor away.

by November 21, 2021

Ethan Darius paul

Has curly yet cute hair
Smells amazing and will touch your penis
Has a house which he mastrubates in
Has 2 friends
A good goalkeeper

Omg he is so cute he must an Ethan Darius paul

by Thatfatkaffer May 1, 2022

Léon Paul

Funny and kind. He has his heart in his hand, will always be there for his friends even if he tries to invent a dark side for himself. He is to be taken with irony. Once the evening begins he is unstoppable yet very stressed. You may also wanna know that he enjoys taking on challenges.

It is a Léon Paul type party so there will be some challenges take up.

by Lpd007 November 21, 2021

Paul Jones

The biggest known man made disaster ever! The miners in Chernobyl knew the event as a Paul Jones!

That’s worse than a disaster mate that’s a Paul jones!!!

by Truth teller 44 September 17, 2021

paul rand

Toast church pedofilic maths teacher at dallam school. Vaselines his head every morning after his daily wank.

Paul rand is scary

by Mynameisbubble June 2, 2019


Fuck that guy.

Person 1: Yo, it's Gian-Paul
Person 2, and everyone else: Fuck that guy!

by They Who Remain November 24, 2021

he didn't actually pay Paul, though

Nope --- devious and undisciplined shyster dat he was, he did indeed rob Peter to obtain funds to pay Paul back, but then he used said stolen funds to just engage in more foolish spending (which of course is why he'd had to borrow money from Paul in da first place!). Shame on him.

One should be very wary of loaning money in any case, even if da requester says he needs da cash just to "pay back Paul" (i.e., to settle a debt he presently owes to someone else)... you should first research da requester's past performance in such matters; you will often discover dat some of his past loans were indeed supposedly earmarked for setting his debts with Paul, but he didn't actually pay Paul, though.

by QuacksO July 25, 2019