Source Code

MuahLonnBEaT Down of rage 2 relBJaLooDisaBLEs

A Bemmimgfilm by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine a band of street ganbjrasters terrorized the inner city HooooBJects and it is left up to Lonnie benningfield junior to saved the day. By LBJ as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.

I invented and made and created and started muahlonnbeat down of rage 2 relbjaloodisables by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine

by Lonnie Benningfield junior mar December 18, 2024

Rage Cake

Brian Flynn

The prepubescent video gaming pussy is a rage cake.

by BlackAssNiggerJew November 28, 2017

rage port

Round cord connection made between an X-Box controller and small connector that connects directly to the X-Box console.

In a fit of rage, Eddie threw the X-Box controller across the room. Luckily the rage port disconnected the controller from the console and no extraneous harm was done.

by 3B-South March 13, 2005

Raccoon rage

When you are in engaging in the doggy style sex position you begin to scrape the entire back side of their body to arouse them!

Derek raccoon rage Melanie in the trailer park. Melanie then had to get a tetanus shot.

by Maddy Mackenzie is a whore June 28, 2012

spartan rage

When a Spartan soldier punishes an Athenian civilian after a battle.

Spartan Rage example:
Kratos: "Who's God nigga"
Atreus: "You zaddy"

by yeskingproductions June 7, 2024

spartan rage

To rail with immense rage, similar to Kratos and Aphrodite

Did you go full spartan rage on her?

by GyatLord April 1, 2024

Lady of Rage

Astarte/ Ishtar/ Inanna/ Ashtoreth

Ishtar is the Lady of Rage

by Black beautiful November 6, 2021