When you get your ballsack ransacked by the cold... unbearably blunt... end of a woman's high heel.
Jee James what seemes to be your problem?
Nothing I---- G-goott pant-sacked by a sexy mexican chick over there...
When you balls look like a raised up gorilla and they smell like swet and shit
This kid named Jeff looks like a scruffy sack
When you are being a leva but you already got called a leva. And you're a fake ass foo. The opposite of a trucha ass foo.
EY foo shut up ball sack. And after that suck my bolas.
1. A sack of onions
2. A state of extreme inoxication
3. A variation of smashfuck
1. Onion sack
3. Dat nigga got onion sacked
When you have more than one fuck to give. You need a fuck sack.
A sleeping bag you fuck in.
Let me just check how many fucks I give in my fuck sack.
Hey gurl, wanna get in my fuck sack?
Will burn you so bad you need to go to th hospital. Goes by many names, and they all mean the same thing:
1) Bad bitch
2) Ghetto girl
3) Nigga Nihalator
4) Cumslut
Damn gurl , das rude! Is yo name Abdul Sack wib, cos you a baaaad bitch!