The hoeiest pizza, for hoes, Dominos.
If you sell pussy or ass, there's a Dominos box nearby. Guaranteed.
A few more sucked dicks and I'll be able to afford a hoe pizza for dinner.
When you order a takeaway and believe you have enough time to masterbate and it arrives prematurely.
What are you doing tonight? Think I'm gonna stay in and pizza-bate
Pizza grease is the various bodily fluids that accumulate in the folds and creases of the nether regions, eventually staining the bedsheets during and especially after sexual intercourse. See also quim or, as read in Achewood, "dunk oil."
I need to do a load of laundry; I don't know if I'm depressed or just lazy, but I've been sleeping in pizza grease for days.
When you do a money shot on a girl with acne, while singing the Star Spangled Banner.
Jeff has great memories of All American Pizza, under the bleachers during the basketball games in high school.
money shot pizza face star-spangled under the bleachers basketball game
A statement you make when you're so far gone after taking more than 4 joints to the neck, most famously stated by Scogg
A concoction of the worst foods possible that are offered to prisoners in jail. It consists of ramen noodles, crushed up Doritos, and a singular slice of processed cheese.
Trig: I think I’m going to make some jailhouse pizza tonight!
Avery: GOD NO
The act of doing something pizza style.
I'm gonna hang myself. Pizza style!