Matthew Baldwin, commonly known as "The Pack Rat," is a fictional character often used as a humorous archetype. He is portrayed as an eccentric and comically exaggerated individual who works at McDonald's. His nickname, "The Pack Rat," symbolizes his tendency to collect and hoard various items, both useful and useless, creating a cluttered and chaotic environment around him.
One of the absurd traits attributed to this character is the exaggerated notion that he bathes and drinks out of the grease trap at McDonald's, adding an element of exaggerated absurdity to his persona. In reality, this description is a humorous exaggeration and not representative of any real person.
"The Pack Rat" character serves as a whimsical and humorous example of an individual with peculiar habits and behaviors, often used in storytelling or comedy to generate laughter and entertainment.
You see that little chungus Matthew Baldwin, hes such a PACKRAT!
Got a girlfriend but little does he know his big ginger friend has been expanding her pussy everytime he hits it.
Oh no Wyatt don’t do the Matthew Arnold;)
Matthew Copeland, a name used to describe an in the closet homosexual and Pedo, has an unhealthy obsession with the male body especially younger ones, claims to have a girlfriend but we know he’s lying and deep in the closet. Very weird and always brings up the most boring talk points like the weather and how the day is going, the most Melvin person you’ll ever meet.
I saw someone in the bushes near the elementary school last week, that was Matthew copeland, that’s just a normal Friday to him.
Name to describe an in the closet homosexual pedophile. Also really weird and brings up talking points about the weather and how the day is going. The biggest Melvin on the planet.
Wow Matthew Copeland, I always thought he was gay.
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A Twitter user who has a very low IQ and begs for follow backs. We call people who display similar behavior (Matt)
Person A: “Hey, this math problem is very hard”
Person B: “Jesus man, you’re such a Matthew follow back (Matt).”
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Cody looks at Matthew Mutch and says, "What a fucking jew."
Matthew the gaylord:He's obsessed with fucking Emo guys and thinks chicks are weird he's too emo and gay for this world smh anyways he is gay that is why he's called gaylord..
Person:Guy's look its gaylord, he like emo boys and he's a little so gay for this world
Matthew is gay.