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trash bear

type of raccoon that enjoys trash and garroth. Needs a reserve.

trash bear reserve

that a raccoon?

by aphmauaddict69 March 23, 2020

autobahn trash

a person who drives up and down the autobahn motorway for days on end without showering.

Man, you see that autobahn trash kid, he's been driving up and down the autobahn for a week straight without showering.

by Ronny Sweeet February 24, 2009

Trash foot

A hippie girl or boy who never wears shoes and has really dirty feet

Sorry I won't put my feet on the bed because I have trash foot

by Yourpseudonym!!!! August 13, 2021

Straight Trash

Straight Trash is a new disparaging term utilized in Facebook discussion threads to describe something that someone doesn't like or to exaggerate displeasure with a comment posted by another person.

It is often used in a sports-related context to express annoyance or aggravation with a player's poor performance, especially a star player going through a costly slump.

The term is sometimes used ironically and is often expressed as a hashtag, #StraightTrash. The construction often takes the form of an equation: Favorite Player + Poor Performance = #StraightTrash

Baltimore Orioles' starting pitching + high ERA = Straight Trash


Washington Capitals + NHL Playoffs = Straight Trash

That last comment you posted = Straight Trash

by RiffGibson April 19, 2017

Straight Trash

A word used to describe most of the lower eschelon of white people. Or people of no class, which is white people.

Wow! Look at those people over there going to the Garth Brooks concert.

Yeah bro, they're Straight Trash.

Already bro!

by Hangin&swangin69 April 30, 2019

Trash Kangaroo

The opossum because it carries it's babies in a pouch is why it's similar to a kangaroo

Stupid trash kangaroos are in the dumpster hissing at my co workers.

by Catwoman1995 December 5, 2018


A drunk person's attempt at saying trashed.

Man I'm so trishuh. I mean trishuh-trashed.

by Fat alberto October 28, 2013