The idyllic canal of Britain have become to crowded and with that come the barge rage. A hark back to the days of the British empire, these baby boomers want to live as there great parents did and smash some shit up, rape and pilage when they can't find a spot a London dockyard even if it is a British on British crime.
Look at those two gammons going at it, bit of the old barge rage. What's the point, a boat is a as expensive as a house up north in London.
When you hit a home run and the bat isn't the only hard wood
Good job man! That was a damn good raging home boner
When you hit a home run and the bat isn't the only hard wood
Damn nice hit! Certainly gave me a raging home boner!
Mr.Internet5year Over Raged when his 20.69 kill streak ended he was so mad he spammed the chats
When you are angrily cumming, or cumming while you are enraged.
"I'm so fucking mad, I swear I'm going to rage cum"
Rectal rage. Common rectal rage is experienced the follow day after spicy foods such as Thai, Mexican, or Indian cuisine. The symptoms of rectal rage can be accompanied by one or several of the following symptoms, intense burning, bleeding, flatulence, diarrhea, and tenderness of the butthole area.
"I had intense rectal rage after eating those thai chilies, I was constantly farting and shitting blood for 2 days!"