A person that should stop being mean to the Ford and praising his lord, a civic
Christian bought a new Civic-150, in Alabama
An odd fellow that thinks he's Jesus.
Christian Weston Chandler, 2009.
Christian: says nothing while stuffing mayo in his butt and mouth
christian is the best person you’ll ever meet he is friendly and smart and the slightest bit shy he’s an amazing actor, person and friend. he has the most amazing sense of humor and he’s often too smart for people to process. honestly the best person in this entire universe he deserves all the good things in this earth for he is beauty and he owns grace. did i mention he is Cute? he fucking is omg my ovaries.
christian is the actual best human being ever!
Christian is a big ass bird that is the gay one in his gc and half of them probably don’t like him because he have tittie droplets. Also Christian like to spend his money on things he can’t even afford
“Oh girl please “ ——“mauriana stfu “ yes my name is Christian so what about it ?