On October 21, you can anybody under 5β4β with no permission needed
Prepare to be yeeted for it is national throw short people day, even people named Jace.
Hey, have you heard that today is National throw short people day? I can't wait to yeet some dwarfs!
178π 35π
People Against Underage Driving in Reverse, or P.A.U.D.I.R. for short, was formed on January 10th, 2007 after an accident in a residential driveway caused thousands of dollars in damage to a vehicle. The driver not named and under the legal driving age, put a truck in reverse and crashed.
The main mission of the P.A.U.D.I.R is to fight to keep residential streets, highways, and driveways safe from underage driving in reverse....
Oh Shit, People Against Underage Driving In Reverse are going to hunt that bitch down.
64π 13π
on november 23rd, you're allowed to kick anyone taller than 5'4 with no consequences.
person1: "hey, it's november 23rd <3"
person2: "okay, and?"
person1: "national kick tall people day"
person2: *runs*
113π 27π
One who ask others to hold da door so they can see if da welfare checks come in here.
Hold da door mf so I ca axed if da welfare checks come in here.
6π 19π
On October 21, you can, without permission throw anyone who is 5β 5β or shorter with no repercussions.
βWhat day is it?β
βNational Throw Short People Dayβ
23π 4π
One of the hottest search terms on Google during April 2010. Apparently using Google to search this term would result in Google suggesting "Do you mean black people stole my car?" This has now been fixed by Google to not display this particular suggestion.
Originally the phrase was used by spammers and malware sites - clicking on many of the sites that come up for this search term will infect the users machine.
Dude, when I Googled "white people stole my car" nothing came up. Google then suggested that black people did it.
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Since we short people are constantly getting bullied by our friends for our extraordinary and elite height, we deserve ine day of peace. I declare the 16th of September to be our day of peace and no one tall is allowed to bully us. Enjoy!
Anti bullying day for short people states that short people get to have a day of peace without getting bullied.