The sudden urge to explain why Scooby Doo is a slasher movie, even though it isn't.
Noah experienced the scooby effect and therfore tried to explain his teacher why Scooby Doo is a slasher movie. Because of this, he failed the class.
Phenomenon in which music gets better the more you listen to it. It originates from the legendary song Rossija.
Hey, did you listen to that song I sent you?
Yeah, didn't really like it though.
*A couple of repeats later*
OMFG IT'S SO GOOD! I knew it...Rossija Effect
When Mason Gold is driving and blows up the car. When mason goes near a car and it goes to space and or blows up. when a car ends it self due to mason being near by. when Malcolm Granger yells God Damn it mason after a RB-M goes to space.
The car went to space and mason gold was driving must be the Mason effect.
The act of causing injury just by liking a professional player or drafting them on their fantasy team.
I drafted Lamar Jackson but worried about the Shannon Effect
When a highschool radicalizes the students who go to it, usually with racism, sexism, misogyny, or lgbtq-phobia
Damn, Kyle got hit hard with the Armada Effect.
To get a person who hates you to simp for you.
So you played her and now she's simping for you... Isn't that the yudhii effect
When an individual partakes in queueing (for Ten Mans, or Ranked) and all other participants of the event leaves the queue.
"Yo I think Indy is about to join TM queue"|
"Lmfao I'm good, I'm heading out"
"Ah, the classic Indy Effect"