A contraction of "toodles my dudes", "toods my dudes" is a declaration of intended departure from a social gathering containing one or more dudes or dudettes.
Alternate usage, "toodles my doodles" if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
roughly translates to "listen to this"
dude fuckin, i was at this party, and nick got so drunk he punched himself in the face!
term that comes from the videogame minecraft, and has evolved into someone that is good at something
He is so skilled!
Yeah he is a kappe dude!
All the young Dudes is a fanfiction by MsKingbean89 (who is rumored to be Taylor Swift, a very true theory), and it's about a deadass gay werewolf, who is also the Casanova of Gryffindor Tower, Remus Lupin, and his more than homosexual friends, the Marauders, (James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew),
It's mostly about Wolfstar (which you should definitely ship, or I'll ship you off into a volcano-),
It has a lot of gay teenagers, miscommunication, angst, and did I meantion homosexuality?
Important to know about are also Moony Toast, Anything For Our Moony, Can you tell me a secret? A nice one?, and Mars Bars.
If you havent read this piece of art yet you definitely should, it's on AO3.
Person A : omg I just finished All The Young Dudes , I want to die
Person B : Omg same, let's eat Moony Toast and cry
Person C : Wait let me join pls, I can't believe they didn't get their happy ending I wanna die
Person A : fr fr
Person B : yeah I still love All The Young Dudes , tho
All of them : duh we all do
a spray that attracts the ladies. EPISODE: The Unicorns have got to go