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Fake Ass Friend Day

the day where you post all your fake ass friends either with or without a description on why they fake on they photo or go up to them and tell em they a fake ass friend

fake ass friend day

by yeah i make the best days November 9, 2021

Deep Fake

(Noun) a synthetic video, image, or recording

which depicts a public figure doing something fictitious. Deep fakes are created via artificial intelligence or machine learning and often feature convincing voices, facial expressions, and movements. It can also refer to computer-generated images of people that do not exist in real life.

As AI advances, deep fakes will become an increasingly powerful tool for propaganda.

1. "I saw a video of Joe Biden and Donald Trump having passionate sex!"

-"No, that was just a deep fake."

2. The TV show 'America's Got Talent' made a deep fake of Elvis Presley.

by Sassafrassin March 29, 2024

Fake n Fraud

Someone who has no standards or morals. Woe’d by popular opinion.

The Zlavarkus is a fake n fraud, he goes to a USC game wearing an LSU hoodie when they play Mizzou.

by stankyhankanddaboyz October 30, 2022

Fake Clam

When a man goes down on a woman to eat her out and pretends to use his mouth.Instead uses his fingers while making the sound with his mouth.

Naw man I didn't actually go down on her i just did the fake clam

by Rybbo March 3, 2011

fake slime

Slang for fake friend apposed to a real slime which means real friend


by 🌽🌽 April 2, 2023

Fake eye roll

Pretending to be inconvenienced by being overpriveleged

Flying private is such a bother (fake eye roll)
My Rolex collection is so last week (fake eye roll)
Looking after my investment portfolio is so stressful (fake eye roll)
Being a weatlty beautiful toned blonde isn’t all it’s cracked up to be (Uber fake eye roll)

by fuzzybuzzz January 30, 2019

Fake Peruvians

A kid who lies about being Peruvian and traveling the world.

Person 1: I met some fake Peruvians they’re annoying asf
Person 2: I hate them They cap about everything
Person 3: Yeah

by Caruso March 2, 2021