When you borrow something from someone and never return it or return it damaged and or not working.
south saint paul is one of the worse schools fights happen everyday we have like 3 cops in every lunch it’s filled of a bunch of homophobic racist kids with so self respect
another fight at south saint paul schools
yea dude it was about a girl saying her name
This assy school. I hate this bum ass ratchet ass school. It’s full of hood rats and slow people. People be fucking In the bathroom when they be ah school dance . I remember in 6th grade two girls were literally fucking in the bathroom. Bo I hate this dirty ass school
St. Paul’s middle school is a cock suckin school, filled with hoes
Pauling it up means to gather exit frags at the end of a Valorant round, then blame the round on your teammates.
Person 1 "Oh look, it's Paul last alive again."
Person 2 "Looks like he's Pauling it up."
Hey, he's getting pretty good, man.
Hym "I'm watching Jake Paul vs Nate Diaz and I'm thinking (Keep in mind I only saw the highlights): Good jab work from like round 4 up from Jake. That could have started sooner. Has more than just an overhand now (I think he dropped him with the left hook). But he stands like a fucking mannequin. Move your fucking head a little bit. I heard once that if you're already in motion it's easier to accelerate quickly (I can't remember in what context though...) rather that if you're stationary.
The amount of time and energy it take to go from stationary to moving in either direction is greater for some reason (and I've heard it before but I can't remember). Which is what you are. Largely stationary. You're perfectly still on the centerline. You should be bobbing around on either side (This is all theory obviously and the most extreme example of which would be Clay Guida or something). That's why from round 4 onwards he was getting ABSOLUTELY Tea'd off on. I think if Nate would have let his hands go earlier he wouldn't have gone down in the-"
Hym *clears throat* "The first place. I think if he wouldn't have gotten wobbled in the 1st it would have been a totally different fight. Just hear me out, watch the difference in the head movement. As Nate lumbers across the ring you can see his head. Left right left right. Jake? Stiff as a board. And Nate slips a ton of punches throughout the match as a result. But at least Jake was keeping his giant punchable torso safe. It just isn't possible to fight a guy with decathelete cardio if you're getting punched all up in your organs."
Jake Paul vs Nate Diaz
A genuinely awesome person and a dank memester.
-Watcher of memes
-Judger of steam games
-Stabber of backs
"Paul Willingham is a dank memester."