Make like a fetus and head out is a play on make like a tree and leave, referring to a fetus entering this world head first. It is a pun and means: go away! or leave now!
"make like a fetus and head out" he shouted whilst pointing at the door.
To try something else, fail, then try again and maybe again until you actually succeed.
You need to break a few eggs to make an omelet.
the pages for your love story is too thin, too short, too fast to, and already finished.
i love you but the book were making is too short.
This is how you make a Ying Yong Omelette!
Pretty cool right?
Oh, I love eggs!
I love eggs!
How to Make a Ying Yong Omelette?
A response used when someone has just told a story that’s so ridiculous, random, and unbelievable that you couldn’t have made that up as a story if you tried-it’s beyond the bounds of human creativity.
Dudebro 1: Dude, you’ll never believe what I just saw today. A guy dressed as Ronald McDonald was getting arrested outside of a Burger King for indecent exposure.
Dudebro 2: No way bro.
Dudebro 1: I swear!! You can’t make this stuff up!
There are two things this could mean, one; you want them (your partner or really close friend) to behave like an animal, or two; it's a part of a song, called 'animal' by Sir Chloe. (imo it's really good,,)
Person 1: make you behave like an animal
Person 2: do it no balls
Person 1: make me behave like an animal!
Person 2: I'm asking nicely, give me what I want!
Person 1: I'm asking politely, give me what I want!!
(They continue to sing the full song together)
From the movie Patriot. It's used when you need some luck or to be at your best and fuck some shit up. Often used by religious people but everyone can use it.
Coach:We need a touchdown
Reciever after crossing himself:Lord make me fast and accurate.